Carpe Diem

Life and Death-two completely different concepts with meanings at separate ends of the spectrum.

This morning I received news that one of my loved ones had passed away last night, June 8th. I had never known anyone close to me that has so it left me stunned and heart broken. Stunned, because I couldn’t believe it. Even though I know that no one can live forever and I have known people that have died in the past, it’s completely different when you’ve personally known and have made memories with that person. Heart broken because he was a friend, great grandfather, grandfather, an uncle, brother, father, and husband. He had people who adored him and family who loved him more than the world. He left them all behind.

I don’t think death is scary for any person dying, I think the scary part is the thought of what’s going to happen to the people we’re leaving behind because ultimately death, death is the easy part.

I don’t or haven’t really thought about death too much, I mean who really wants to? But I got to thinking after today, when IS the right time to die. That is probably one of the most ignorant questions I could ever ask myself, but as I thought about it more and more, maybe, there really isn’t a defined answer for it. Is there?

No one wants to die, ultimately, we all want to live forever. But since no one has ever surpassed time or discovered a magic serum that could create ever lasting youth, instead,  we all aim to just LIVE, to live life to the fullest.

The French have a saying, carpe diem, meaning to seis the day; to live life to the fullest with little thought about the future. This has always been one of my favorite phrases. Over the year’s I’ve attached many different meanings behind it. When I was in high school, it meant that “I should do this or I should do that” because I needed an excuse to get myself to do something out of my element. As I got a little older, the phrase started to speak some truth; it started to dawn on me that, WOW, life really does go by. Way too fast.

If someone’s death teaches you anything, its that YOU ARE ALIVE. Obvious, I know, but true. It teaches you that life is undoubtedly short and that the only way to make leaving this beautiful Earth worth it in the end is to make the most out of the time you have on it.

My uncle lived a full life. What constitutes a fully lived life? Well… I think the people that spark the warmth in our hearts and the things that reveal the passion hidden in our souls are the things that make life and everything that comes with it worth while. For my uncle, the family he created sparked that warmth and passion in his life. He lived a full life because he experienced decades of unconditional love with the women of his dreams. He raised three beautiful children of his own who he watched grow up to have kids of their own. He even met the children of his children’s children, which is something most people don’t get a chance to do because, again, LIFE IS SHORT. Seeing his family grow while also seeing the world change and creating memories with all of the lives he created was a life filled with unfathomable love and happiness. What more could a person ask for.

After reflecting on his life and the family he had created during the life he lived. I aim to live life to the fullest by loving my family and creating one of my own someday, starting by growing my own unconditional, forever lasting love with someone. Because even though we all have to pass on someday, what never will is the love we give.The love you give to the people you share your time with and the love that you have for the things that you do; the things that you’re passionate about, are the legacies you’ll leave behind.

So go out there and live. Don’t just breathe. Live for the moments that take your breath away; climb the biggest & tallest mountains and love someone so much it hurts. Live for the moments that make you feel alive and BE with the people that make you want to live.

Share your passion, be compassionate, and give.

June 9th. The day I added a new meaning to C A R P E D I E M. 

RIP Uncle Lloyd 

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